Physical Lifters
Kenco Bin Block Lifter
Physical Lifters
Kenco Bin Block Lifter
Rental Rates
- Daily $290
- Weekly $620
Key Specs
6,000 LB
Grip Range
24″ to 30″
Product Overview
The Kenco Bin Block Lifter boasts a unique design that allows the lifter to fit perfectly over the keyway systems molded into these precast block. The operator simply sets the tongs of the concrete block lifter down over the block. The cut away portion straddles over the keyway to allow the lifter to rest flat on concrete bin blocks.
Much like the Kenco Barrier Lift, the legs of these concrete block lifting tongs automatically grab on tightly as the block is raised. Once it is set into place, tension is released on the sling, and the bin block lifter locks into the open position. It is now ready to repeat the cycle.
- 6,000 LB capacity
- Grip Range of 24″ to 30″
- Unique design to fit concrete waste material block with keyway systems
- This concrete block lifter for sale can be modified for higher capacities and larger grip ranges, similar to the Bin Block 9,000
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